How to Reduce Your Heating Bill During Winter

Published Thursday, December 1, 2022

How to Reduce Your Heating Bill During Winter

Winter is here, and thanks to inflation, energy bills are likely going to be higher than last year. According to one report, the average cost of natural gas will go up by 28% this winter. Meanwhile, the average cost of electricity will go up by about 10%. Here are some tips to help keep your heating costs down as much as possible.

Turn Down The Temps

One of the easiest ways to lower your heating bills is to lower your temps. That means setting your thermostat at 68 and turning down your water heater to 120 degrees. Lowering your thermostat to 68 can save you up to 3% on heating costs, while reducing your water heater setting can save you up to 11%.

Reverse Fans

If you have ceiling fans, turn them on a low setting with the blades turning clockwise. As US News notes, in this direction, the blades will pull cool air up and push warm air down.

Open Things Up

A recent Department of Energy study found that 75% of residential window coverings stay in the same position throughout the day. It’s an easy call here: Open your blinds and curtains to let the sun naturally heat your home.

Get Smart

Another way to save on heating costs this winter is to invest in a smart thermostat. These devices can learn your heating habits and program settings automatically. One study found smart thermostats can help reduce heating bills by 11%.

Guest blog written by Chris O’Shea with SavvyMoney.

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